Tsalagi hellbilly

Tsalagi hellbilly

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Fuck Censorship

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know I hate censorship. Since 1896, there has been a real drive to censor our entertainment. In that year, Thomas Edison's film "The Kiss" was considered a "threat to morality." Between the years 1896 to 1934, several organizations emerged to encourage decency in films. In 1934, the Production Code Authority was formed.
The battle to censor movies has continued until now. Stifling artistic expression. It baffles me as to why some folks feel they must be the moral compass for others. If you don't like something, keep your damn mouth shut, and walk away. There is no need to ruin it for others that feel differently.
"Just because your feelings are hurt, doesn't mean you're right."

In 1954, the CCA [Comics Code Authority] was formed. The quality of comic books began to decline. Many religious zealots burned many comic books. The moral high ground is often built on narcissism. When someone thinks they have the right to force their values and ethics onto others; they need to think again. I believe it is the parents' responsibility to decide what is right and wrong for their children. These self-righteous bastards butt their damn nose in where doesn't belong. Somehow, comics were corrupting the minds of children. But it wasn't just kids reading the books. These self-righteous bastards, sitting up on their high horses, believed it was up to them to save the world.

Following this twisted path, music came under attack as well. It can be traced back to as early as 1927. But it was in 1985, the PMRC [Parents Music Resource Center] was formed.
"Censorship is killing music, and it's legal."
Dee Snider of Twisted Sister stood up and made his voice heard. The rest of the musicians and artists were nowhere to be found. In 1985, he spoke to congress and made them look like idiots. I applaud him for it. The PMRC was exposed as dumb asses with political agendas.

Bottom line, if you don't like what I read, watch, and listen to, fuck you. I don't give a damn. I will not go to your home and force my morals and ethics onto you. I believe live and let live. Everyone should live their lives as they see fit.
The late great comedian, George Carlin summed up the 10 commandments in two points, 1. Do not kill. 2. Don't be dishonest. And I say, Amen to that. If you are not being dishonest and not killing people, have at it.

These are my personal opinions.

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