Creator/Writer: Michael Nunneley
Art/colors: Awosika Tosin
Letters: Guido Martinez
Cover/logo design: Rolands Kalnins
Editor: Michael Nunneley
Associate editor: Dave Fraser
The Omenverse is set in an alternate timeline where Blood Moon Fever has unleashed hell on earth. This is cool as hell because it shows how we are helpless to powers and forces beyond our human capabilities. Perfectly sets the tone. "Frank Wade is the ultimate soldier turned ultimate sinner". The thought of a highly trained soldier turning to evil unfortunately has been a reality in our time; which makes this just a little scary. Followed by angels which the Christian Bible tells, man was created lower than the angels. Forces of nature, good & evil, and supernatural makes for an ominous time on earth. "That son of Adam has a list of sins longer than the Morning Star, Raz-El". We as descendents of Adam are defined by the choices we make. Our sins are often what gains the most attention overshadows any good we did. We forget Lucifer an angel of light is responsible for so much darkness. We only see darkness. What if the Omen Armor corrupts him..? Something meant for protection can bring harm. Nice. "Angels don't get grace" now that's deep. The violence is not overdone and the blood for me doesn't equal gore. The story develops at an even flow. The use of color is brilliant. Moving between cool and warm enhances the story. I continue to be impressed with the use of gutters. The frames of the panels are used to set the action within with mood. Using heavy black frames enhances the ominous feel. Unholy alliances are made and we can only hope the forces of good can win. This is a book that both sinner and saint will enjoy.
Thanks for the review!! Great job!